Minutes & Financial Reports
Minutes, February 18, 2025
Minutes from the February 18, 2025 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Amanda Cox, Billy Edwards, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Chris Thomas
1. Introduction of new board members: Billy Edwards and Amanda Cox. Chris Thomas.
The Board welcomed new board members Billy Edwards and Amanda Cox. Billy will serve the remainder of a term that ends in April 2025. Amanda will serve until April 2026. Their bios can be found on the CCDC website.
2. Approval of minutes from the January 21, 2025 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.
On a motion by BJ, seconded by Paula, the minutes were approved. They are posted on the website
3. Presentation of monthly financial reports. BJ Friedman.
BJ reported there was nothing outstanding in terms of expenses or revenue in the past month, but that major repairs have depleted our reserve funds and we need to be careful with spending.
In response to a question about our cash reserve, she explained that our previous property manager worked hard to save money, which built up our reserves, but we learned that major repairs were deferred. The past two years, we’ve been catching up on needed maintenance and repairs, some of which (e.g., foundation repairs, exterior painting) are high-ticket items. As a result, this year and next will be lean, but we’ll be better off in the long run. We have drawn down on our letter of credit, but are making monthly payments on it.
Felecia is going to do research on our utility issue because utility costs are high. (Note: the CCDC duplexes each have a single water meter.)
The February 2025 financial reports are posted on the website.
4. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Chris Thomas.
We currently have 5 vacancies. The reasons vary. Some people were lined up, but backed out. Mary Vega, PPM, is working to get these units rented. A concern was expressed that prospective tenants are not being responded to. This information will be shared with Brad.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Sod is down, along with pea gravel and river rock. We are waiting on the electrical subcontractor to call for the final electrical inspection. When that passes, we can begin calling for other remaining inspections.
The Board discussed planning an open house for when the project is complete.
5. Nomination of CCDC Vice-President. (office currently vacant) Chris Thomas.
Chris nominated Felecia Miller to serve as Vice-President, and the board enthusiastically endorsed the nomination. Felicia asked for time to think it over.
6. Report on bylaw revision process. BJ Friedman.
The Bylaws committee has been meeting with the students from the UT law clinic and their supervising professor, who will be completing a draft bylaw revision. This should be available soon for review.
The law clinic was asked if they could provide us with a definitive answer regarding giving preference to descendants. They said that the research required is beyond what they can do at this time. Felecia is working on a definition of descendants that she will share with the board.
7. Discussion of Amplify Austin Day (March 5-6, 2025.) Kim O’Brien.
Kim shared details of the upcoming Amplify Austin Day fundraising campaign. We will be contacting all members, along with the people on our mailing lists, requesting funds for housing repairs. Our goal is to raise $10,000.
8. Discussion of April board of director elections and membership. Kim O’Brien.
Four board positions are up for election in April. CCDC members are eligible to serve on the board. Deadline for inclusion on the ballot is March 24, 2025. Anyone interested must send an email to ClarksvilleCDC@gmail.com. A flyer with this information will be delivered to every home within the CCDC boundaries. It will also be shared via email with all members, and posted on the website.
Only CCDC members may vote in the election. In order to vote in the April 2025 election, membership applications must be received by March 31, 2025. Election materials will be distributed to members on or about April 4, with ballots due by noon, April 15. Voting will online. All votes will be confidential, and tallied electronically. Results will be announced at the Annual Meeting, which takes place April 15, 6:30 p.m.
9. Discuss Ice Cream Social—set the date and identify a volunteer to help organize.
Mary Reed has volunteered to organize the event, but wants a board member to work with her in order to phase out her involvement. Aubrey volunteered. The Board settled on August 17 as the date, the weekend before school starts.
10. Announcement of upcoming Clarksville Conversation: Sundays at the Haskell House. (Sunday, March 9, 2-3 p.m.) Dr. Tara Dudley will discuss the Cumberland-style architecture that personified early Clarksville and the black craftsmen and builders who worked in Clarksville and environs.
11. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.
Paula reported that the 04 Center has backed out of leasing St. Luke, due to electrical & parking issues. It is not known at this time what will happen with the property. OWANA is automating their membership and looking to raise dues.
12. Other Business.
No Other Business was discussed.
13. Executive Session, if necessary.
The Board did not meet in Executive Session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On January 30, 2025, the board authorized Kim O’Brien to sign an affidavit on behalf of the Board. The affidavit, which verifies the date of the CCDC loan agreement with the Austin Housing Finance Corporation for the construction of 1611 W. 10th, was required by HUD because the original agreement was not dated. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the February 2025 meeting.
Minutes, January 21, 2025
Minutes from the January 21, 2025 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Due to inclement weather, the meeting was held virtually.
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Chris Thomas
1. Approval of minutes from the November 19, 2024 monthly meeting.
On a motion by Chris, seconded by Aubrey, the minutes were approved.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.
Brad was unable to attend the meeting.
The November and December financial reports are posted on the CCDC website.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.
Kim shared information shared by Brad that all but 2 vacancies have been pre-leased. Candidates are being considered for the remaining 2.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that the majority of the work on the house is completed, but a slew of inspections must be completed before we can receive our Certificate of Occupancy. Sod will go in as soon as the weather allows.
4. Discussion of board vacancies.
Five members expressed interest in filling the current two vacancies on the CCDC Board.
After going into Executive Session, all board members present voted to appoint Billy Edwards to the term that expires in April 2025, and Amanda Cox to the term that expires April 2026.
5. Discussion of opening a separate checking account for the Haskell House. BJ Friedman.
BJ reported that it will ease operations if a separate checking account is opened to pay Haskell House expenses. Frost Bank says that there will be no additional charge for this account. BJ will act as the bookkeeper. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the board approved setting up a separate checking account.
6. Report on Thanksgiving turkeys for the residents. Felecia Miller.
Felecia submitted a request through HEB’s charitable giving program and received donated turkeys for all residents who wanted them. A few remaining turkeys were distributed through Sweet Home. She thanked BJ and Stan for picking up the turkeys. Plans for next year will include delivering the turkeys directly to the residents’ homes rather than having them pick them up at the Haskell House.
7. Report on CCDC/OWANA Holiday/Caroling event. Paula Hern.
The Holiday/Caroling event was well attended, despite less than ideal weather. Kids enjoyed the ornament-making crafts and the snow machine. Adults enjoyed the libations and delicious tamales. Because of the weather, everyone gathered inside the Haskell House to sing carols, huddling together in the candle light. Afterward, a group of intrepid carolers had a great time circulating through the neighborhood, stopping to sing at residences and the businesses along West Lynn. Thanks to OWANA for helping to fund the event.
8. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.
Paula reported that Steve Amos is now the chair of OWANA. Kim reported the Zoning Committee continues to meet with representatives of the proposed developments at W. 6th Street and N. Lamar and Hartland Plaza (1717 W. 6th Street Lake Austin Commons PUD.)
9. Other Business.
No Other Business was discussed.
10. Executive Session, if necessary.
The Board met in Executive Session to discuss applications received to fill the 2 current CCDC board vacancies.
Actions taken via Electronic Vote:
On November 22, 2024, the board elected Chris Thomas to serve as President of the CCDC board of directors. This term will expire when new officers are elected at the May 2025 monthly board meeting. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January 2025 meeting.
On November 22, 2024, the board voted unanimously to amend current applicant and resident eligibility criteria. Going forward, CCDC will no longer require tenants to have children under the age of 18. There cannot, however, be a household consisting solely of full-time students. These changes will go into effect December 1, 2024. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January 2025 meeting.
On December 17, 2024, the board voted unanimously to approve the 2024 Audited Financial Statement, which contained no findings. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January 2025 meeting.
Minutes, November 19, 2024
Minutes from the November 19, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board Members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Felicia Miller, Chris Thomas
Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Randi Shade
1. Approval of minutes from the October 15, 2024 monthly meeting.
The minutes were approved with a couple grammatical changes that Paula will pass on to Kim. Aubrey motioned and Paula seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports by Brad Prak of Prak Property Management. Brad went over the balances in the accounts. (Financials are attached to the minutes.) Brad reported that there was about $20,091 in rental income. This is the first month there is rent coming in from a city housing voucher for a tenant. There was about $26,903.81 in expenses for a loss of $6500 for the month. There was another anonymous donation of $50,000 that will go towards foundation work, painting and replacement of rotten wood for houses on Charlotte. Ticket sales from the theater performance at Haskell brought in $5900. CCDC will be able to begin paying off the principal on our line of credit (we have been paying the interest since the draw down.)
The Finance & Operations Committee did not meet this month.
October financial reports are posted on the website.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. Brad Prak reported on property updates. Brad said tenants are being lined up for renewals. Prak Management will be monitoring tenants incomes to make sure tenants are not being charged more than the Board has wanted in terms of the percentage of their income. The tenant at 1011B left unexpectedly so there will be a vacancy to fill. The tenants in the Waterston unit are willing to transfer to the new 1611 house once it is ready. The foundation work is progressing at 1007 Charlotte and painting of both this property and 1009 Charlotte is next. Paula noted metal edging sticking up that could pose a problem at 1817B. Brad is aware and will have that fixed. There was some discussion about the requirements for tenancy and how tenants are sourced.
b. The report on the new construction at 1611 W. 10th Street was read by Felicia as Kim O’Brien was unable to attend the meeting.
“We have stalled. Again. The meeting with Sam West, COA Transportation & Public Works, mentioned at the October meeting, took place on October 16. We did everything he required, including filing a Waiver of Construction with the Travis County Clerk—which he did not require until October 24 and which could not be filed at the Clerk’s office until October 29. While this was going on, AYW was in the process renewing their Right of Way Liability insurance, something they hold only because of this project, which was due to expire on November 6. Sadly, the renewal came through a day too late--and our permit request expired along with the insurance coverage. With the insurance now back in place, we have applied to reactivate the permit. And are waiting.
COA Housing had planned to tell HUD (who, like the CCDC, is concerned over how long this project has taken to complete) that we would be done by the end of November. This will not be the case. Even if the EX permit were to be issued tomorrow, AYW’s Green Building workers are off all of next week due to Thanksgiving. And of course, we have no control over when the EX permit will be issued. I’ve informed Housing of the status and as of yet, there’s been no pushback. I am certain they are not pleased.”
Aubrey brought up the possible need for an expediter for the needed permit. Thomas had consulted one earlier and they said there was no help they could give beyond what was already being done.
4. Discussion of board vacancies. Chris reported that both Mary Reed and Thomas Scheifer have resigned from the board. Chris is now the acting President. The board will discuss the process for nominating and voting on new board members, but the by-laws will dictate this process. Chris will let members know how they can express an interest in these two positions so they can be considered by the board.
5. Paula talked about the plans so far for the OWANA/CCDC Caroling event on December 15, 4:30. Mary has ordered food from Galaxy. Kim has fliers being printed and the flier has been sent to Donna Osborne to put in the upcoming OWL. Thomas will man the snow machines again and BJ has purchased the snowballs. BJ will also sell earrings at the event as they were a successful fund raiser last year. T-shirts were discussed as something that need to be redesigned with Haskell House the main feature for future events. Paula will purchase wreaths, wine and water. She will also schedule a time to decorate. Aubrey was going to check when the lights will be installed. We have carolling leaders committed for the event-Rick and Phyllis Patrick and Erika Tatum. There are still other details to manage but we are almost there.
6. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees.
Kim’s report was read by Felicia.
“I sent the Board a copy of an email from OWANA to the membership detailing the status of 1209 W. 5th Street, a proposed project, 120’ feet in height on a relatively postage stamp-sized lot. The City Council has approved the project on 1st reading (on a 7-3 vote, District 9 Councilmember Qadri not only voting in favor, but verbally supporting.) The project is scheduled for 2nd and 3rd reading this Thursday. The project is bad on many levels—it’s speculative, with no architectural drawings developed; it contains no neighborhood benefits; it includes the possibility of a hotel meeting 50% of the required 70% affordable housing requirement. If approved it will set a dangerous precedent, both for our neighborhood and the city. OWANA is mobilizing opposition for Thursday’s meeting.”
Paula reported there were various bylaw issues discussed at the last OWANA steering committee. But, one of the main things discussed during the meeting was how to help St. Luke Methodist Church find another tenant. The congregation voted to close the church. They are looking for a new, preferably nonprofit group, that can take on the buildings and provide a service to the community. A couple of the steering committee members are actively looking for a new tenant to help out both the church and the neighborhood. A possible historic designation may be considered for the sanctuary but it is unsure it qualifies. If a tenant is not found, the property could be sold by the larger Methodist council.
7. No other business was discussed.
8. No Executive Session was needed.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On October 24, the board voted to authorize Kim O’Brien to sign a Waiver for Construction required by the City of Austin Transportation Department related to 1611 W. 10th Street. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the November meeting.
Minutes, October 15, 2024
Minutes from the October 15, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas
Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Mark Carpenter, Amanda Cox, Kyle Cox, Jennifer Keane, Lou Rigler, Randi Shade
1. Adoption of Standards of Civility. Chris Thomas.
The following was presented:
CCDC Standards of Civility
- Please be respectful of all meeting participants, do not interrupt when someone else is speaking, and do not speak over that person.
- If you are a visitor at a meeting, raise your hand if you want to speak so the meeting chair can call on you.
- If the meeting topic gets too hostile, the meeting chair reserves the right to end the discussion and move on to the next item on the agenda.
- If the general tone of the meeting gets too hostile, the meeting chair reserves the right to adjourn the meeting.
These standards will apply to all meeting attendees, including the board. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Aubrey, the Standards of Civility were unanimously adopted.
2. Approval of minutes from the September 17, 2024 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.
On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by BJ, the minutes from September 17, 2024 were approved.
3. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.
Brad reported that our monthly income in September included $19,083 in rental income. Additional contributions (including sale of ACL passes, donated by C3) brought monthly income to $22,353. Expenses this month were $29,507, for a negative balance of $7154.
September financial reports are posted on the CCDC website.
Minutes from the October 10, 2024 Finance and Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of the minutes.
4. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.
Brad reported that PPM has begun renewing leases and the process is going smoothly. Marivaldo is still with PPM but in a new position. Mary Vega is now the CCDC’s property manager. Unit inspections were completed last week. A few items were found, but nothing serious. Overall, the tenants are doing a good job of taking care of their units.
Regarding vacancies, Brad reported the following: 1007 A & B Charlotte---foundation work is wrapping up. Once it is complete, we will remodel the interiors and paint the exterior, tackling rotten wood as we go; 1009 A Charlotte--make ready wrapping up; 1720 B W 11th--make ready wrapping up; 1708 B W 10th--just vacated. We are proposing for the resident in the A unit to transfer to this as their unit needs repairs we can make easier if it is vacant; 1611--once its ready, we have a transfer option for our long-time residents in 1821 A Waterston. Their unit needs a lot of work that again, is easier done if the unit is empty and they are a good fit for the rent restriction we have on 1611.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that there has been no progress on the required excavation (EX) permit. There may be hope on the horizon, however, because COA Housing officials are getting pressure from HUD because the project has dragged on so long—if not completed soon, they may have to return money to HUD, which raises the stakes considerably. As such, they have brokered an on-site meeting with Sam West, COA Transportation & Public Works, to discuss next steps. We have supplied times that we can meet and are waiting to hear back from Mr. West.
5. Discussion of creating a CCDC Membership Directory.
A membership directory was suggested in the member survey. To the boards’ response that it was something they did not have time to take on, a member volunteered to take on the project. Prior to moving forward, though, it was agreed that we needed to determine if it was something the membership was actually interested in having. Additionally, questions were raised as to what the membership directory would be used for and what information it would contain. It was agreed that we would reach out to the member who volunteered their time to discuss next steps.
As a part of this discussion, member Jennifer Keane shared information from Texas non-profit statutes (specifically, Business Code, Chapter 22158) that may govern how CCDC membership information must be shared. The board will look into this further.
6. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.
Kim gave an update on ongoing negotiations concerning Hartland Plaza (Lake Austin PUD.) Agreements have been made about what will be required for future pickleball use. She also provided an update on the properties directly to the south of Zydeco Development’s West Lynn property (Nau’s/Café Medici/etc.) Zydeco is in negotiations to obtain these properties from the developer who owns them now (and has approved City plans for a multi-family project that is not compatible with the neighborhood.) If Zydeco is successful, they plan a project that will integrate with the Nau’s project (with a restaurant and some additional housing.)
7. Other Business.
A question was raised about looking for foundation money to pay back the line of credit that we have begun drawing down on to pay for property improvements. The board responded that the current budget anticipates making monthly payments to pay down the line of credit.
BJ reported that Austin Museum Day was a huge success, with a steady stream of visitors all day (estimated at 300 people.) Soul Man Sam was a bit hit. Docents were available all day. Many attendees commented that they had no idea that the Haskell House existed. Thanks to Aubrey for underwriting Soul Man Sam, and Astound Broadband for funding.
Kim mentioned that she’d shared Blue Santa information with Brad to share with tenants who have children 14 and under.
A reminder was given about the event currently taking place at the Haskell House on Friday and Saturday nights, Speak No More: Witch, presented by theater company La Fenice. Someone who’d attended the production said it challenged your imagination. The show continues through November.
8. Executive Session, if necessary.
The board did not meet in executive session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On September 30, 2024, the board voted to adopt the FY 2024-25 operating budget. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the October meeting. The approved budget can be found here.
Minutes From F&O Committee Meeting on October 10, 2024
Attending: BJ Friedman, Chris Thomas and Mary Reed.
1. Mary reported that according to Kim, we are still waiting for an excavation permit from the city for 1611 West 10th Street. The retaining wall cannot be built without that permit and other actions cannot be taken as well. American Youth Works (AYW) has tried to figure out the reason for the delay and on 10/10, the city had reached out to schedule a meeting on site that will include someone with the City, Kim O’Brien, David Clauss, and Ashley Rodriguez with AYW.
2. Mary reported that Prak had completed inspections of all CCDC properties and everything was in good condition. Currently, Prak is looking for tenants for some Charlotte Street units, the top unit at 1708 West 10th and 1720B West 11th Street.
Brad Prak is considering offering the older couple living at Waterston the opportunity to move into one of the Charlotte Street units or maybe 1611. Moving them would allow Prak to perform some much-needed repairs at the couple’s home inside and out.
Minutes, September 17, 2024
Minutes from the September 17, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas
Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Karen Kennard, Randi Shade
1. Approval of minutes from the August 20, 2024 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.
On a motion by Paula, seconded by BJ, the minutes from August 20, 2024 were approved with corrections.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.
Brad reported that our monthly income in August included $18,103 in rental income. Expenses this month were high ($60,995) due to expenses related to the make-ready of one of the Charlotte properties and preparation for foundation work at another of the Charlotte properties.
August financial reports are posted on the CCDC website.
Minutes from the September 12, 2024 Finance and Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of the minutes.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.
Brad reported the following: 1007 Charlotte is empty pending porch and foundation work; 1009A is currently vacant; 1720B is vacant, make-ready planned. 1720B W. 11th vacant, but expect to be rented soon. 1817B W. 10th will be empty by the end of the month (note: this is an RHDA property which comes with the following requirements: tenant income must be below 50% MFI, rent can’t exceed 30% of income.) There currently are no Clarksville descendants on the waiting list. There was a discussion about spreading the word about vacancies. Sharing on social media was suggested.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that we are still awaiting the issuance of the required Excavation permit (related to the retaining wall.) We have met placement requirements—which we were able to do without having to relocate the water meter—but were rejected for not attaching previously submitted bond and insurance information. We have resubmitted and are awaiting approval. The few remaining interior items are being addressed. Sod will be installed. Additional landscaping will take place when temperatures are cooler. Final inspection cannot take place until we’ve secured the Excavation permit, but we are holding at a September 2024 project completion date, in hopes that we can secure it shortly. Some good news: we will be getting a solar rebate of $2500. Brad reminded the board this unit is a RHDA unit. As such, tenant income must be below 50% of MFI and rent can’t exceed 30% of tenant income.
4. Discussion and approval of 2024-25 rents for CCDC housing units. Brad Prak.
Brad presented a proposed rent schedule, with individual rents increasing from 2% to 10% based on current tenants and their income. As in the past, the board’s policy is to not set a rent that is higher than 40% of a tenant’s income and to review proposed rent increases annually. The proposed schedule currently reflects the 40% requirement; rents will be adjusted if necessary to insure this when leases are issued.
There was a discussion about the balance of respecting our tenants’ financial situations with the CCDC’s need to maintain our properties amidst rising costs. We believe that setting rents at 40% of income keeps our properties affordable without creating an unreasonable burden for our tenants.
On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the rent schedule was unanimously approved.
5. Discussion of the 2024-25 CCDC budget. BJ Friedman and Brad Prak.
The FY 2023-24 budget and year-to-date expenditures, along with a draft budget for the next fiscal year was shared. Board members remarked that there is not much difference between last year’ and this year’s proposed budget. Some needed information—including remaining 1611 W. 10th Street expenditures—remains. The budget, which will go into effect on October 1, will be approved by an electronic vote.
6. Discussion of plan for Bylaws revision. Mary Reed.
As an offshoot of last month’s discussion of the member survey report, the board agreed to come up with a process to revising the current bylaws at the September meeting. The following proposal was presented and adopted.
A subcommittee of the board, made up of BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Felecia Miller, and Mary Reed, will lead the process. Beginning in January, they will be supported by the UT Entrepreneurship and Community Law Clinic. Prior to January, information will be shared will all CCDC members, asking for input and suggestions for changes. It was agreed that all members’ comments and suggestions would be shared with the membership, as well. Draft bylaws will also be shared with the members when complete.
7. Discussion of plans for Austin Museum Day. Mary Reed.
Austin Museum Day at the Haskell House will take place on Sunday, September 22, noon to 4. All board members who are in town need to be at the Haskell House at 10:30 to set up. Docents will be available throughout the event. Soul Man Sam and his band will play at 2 p.m. Free refreshments will be on hand, and we’ll have merch to sell: Haskell House puzzles and hand fans (new items), along with our notecards, t-shirts, and earrings. Gift cards have been donated by Cippolina, Taco Flats, and Galaxy. These will be raffled, with tickets priced at 1 for $5, 3 for $10.
8. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.
Paula reported that we have 4 ACL passes to sell, 2 for each weekend. Members will be given a first priority for them, with a wider net being cast should any still be available.
Kim reported that OWANA, working with the nearby neighbors of Hartland Plaza, continues negotiations on HP’s PUD amendment. Points of contention include issues surrounding the pickleball courts and HP’s request to include a cocktail lounge in the development. The Planning Commission is scheduled to discuss this project again on September 24.
9. Other Business.
Paula and Mary, looking for a way to make the backroom/bathroom area of the Haskell House look more appealing, presented the idea of having some pen and ink drawings by long-time Old West Austin resident Ed Jordan framed and hung. The drawings are of Clarksville homes. Paula has offered to pay for framing. Aubrey suggested contacting the gallery on West 12th to see if they might help with costs. Aubrey would like to work with them and see about making prints for sale of the drawings.
Randi Shade asked for an update on her request to learn when CCDC made the change to rent to families with children under 18. The board apologized for the delay and that the information would be forthcoming.
10. Executive Session, if necessary.
The Board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes From F&O Committee Meeting on September 12, 2024
Attending: BJ Friedman, Mary Reed. Absent: Chris Thomas
1. BJ and Mary discussed why the Grounds Contract expense on the CCDC’s P & Ls for July and August have been so high. Because Linda had categorized the foundation work at 1009 Charlotte as a Grounds Contact expense when it should have been treated as a Repair expense. Linda will correct.
2. Mary reported that according to Kim, we are now waiting for an excavation permit from the city for 1611 West 10th Street. The retaining wall cannot be built without that permit. Ashley with American Youth Works believes that the permit will come quickly.
3. Mary reported that according to Malcolm a hearing must be scheduled before the attorney representing Tony Brown, the defendant in our lawsuit related to the driveway at 1611, can officially withdraw from the case. The attorney asked the court for permission to do so earlier this year, but because Brown never signed the paperwork related to the withdrawal request, a hearing is necessary. The hearing will take place on Zoom and according to Malcolm, it’s just a legal formality.
4. BJ and Mary discussed the need for all board members to promote CCDC activities and events, like Austin Museum Day and the upcoming series of performances happening at the Haskell House.
5. Mary suggested that at this year’s AMD, we ask people to make a donation to the CCDC if they want to enter our gift card raffle. BJ suggested $5/ticket.
6. BJ will send the board the current FY budget as adopted together with actual year-to-date expenditures and ask members to come to the next board meeting with any changes or additions they would like to see included in the CCDC’s 2024/2025 FY budget.
7. BJ and Mary discussed moving to a floating time for future F&O Committee meetings rather than always scheduling them for 4PM. This is because the meeting time was set to accommodate Chris’ schedule, but more often than not this year he has not been able to meet then because of work and parental obligations, but BJ and Mary can usually meet earlier in the day. They agreed that if Chris knows in a given month that he can meet at 4, that’s when the three of them will meet; otherwise, BJ and Mary will meet earlier on their meeting day.
Minutes, August 20, 2024
Minutes from the August 20, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas
Others present: Brad Prak, Karen Kennard, Randi Shade
1. Approval of minutes from the July 16, 2024 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.
On a motion by Paula, seconded by Chris, the minutes from the July 16, 2024 monthly meeting were approved.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.
Note: July financial reports are posted on the CCDC website.
We ended the month with a loss, as we have for much of this fiscal year, further depleting our reserves. This is due to tenant turnover (loss of rent + make-ready expenses), renovation of 1817A W. 10th, and other major property repairs.
We are anticipating repair work at one of the Charlotte properties to be around $40,000-50,000. We will need to tap the line of credit to cover this needed work. Paula made a motion, seconded by BJ to allow access to the line of credit to make these needed repairs. The motion passed unanimously.
The Finance and Operation committee did not meet.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.
All work has been completed on 1817A W. 10th Street and residents have relocated. Paula asked questions about the quality of the vinyl flooring installed at this property, expressing concerns for its longevity and wondering if it would be used in other properties. Brad recognized Paula’s concerns and explained the flooring was chosen to provide a product that was easy for tenants to maintain.
Make-ready work on the Neighborhood Center has been completed. There has been turnover at 2 units, but Brad believes these can be made-ready and filled quickly.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that there’s been another holdup from the City—this time the Transportation & Public Works Department with first requiring an excavation permit to reinstall the retaining wall they made us take down, and then requiring us to move the wall back 5’ from the curb to allow for a “future sidewalk.” We informed TPWD that we would not move the retaining wall back because it would destroy the streetscape—all properties on the south side of that portion of W. 10th Street have rock walls at or near the curb. As of this moment, TPWD is now requiring that we move the retaining wall back only 18”. We can live with this. They are also requiring, however, revised plans, which would be both an unneeded expense and would take additional time. We plan to fight this. Ashley will send this response in the morning. If this is not resolved in the next few days, Kim will reach out to Councilmember Qadri and Mayor Watson and ask their offices to intervene.
4. Review of tenant turnover and rents for CCDC housing units. Brad Prak.
This item was tabled until next month’s meeting.
5. Discussion of CCDC member survey results. Mary Reed.
Mary presented a summary of the survey results. (This information was shared in an email sent to CCDC members on September 12, 2024, copied below.)
Also discussed under this item was the need to update current CCDC Bylaws. Various suggestions were made regarding the process to follow by both Board members and CCDC members in attendance. This item will be placed on the September agenda.
Report On the CCDC’s Survey of Its Members
On June 7th of this year, the CCDC board of directors emailed a survey to the 185 members of the CCDC. The goal of the survey was to collect baseline data on Members, learn about their concerns, and find out what changes Members would like the board to consider. Thirty-four individuals completed and returned the survey
This report summarizes what the board learned from the survey. It also highlights changes the board has made as a result of what Members shared with the CCDC, some things the board will consider doing in the future and some member suggestions the CCDC has no current plans to act on.
• A majority of respondents have lived in Clarksville for at least 5 years. 50% have lived here for more than 20 years.
• The vast majority of respondents have visited the Haskell House.
• The vast majority of respondents have visited the CCDC website.
• The CCDC’s events are popular: Our annual ice cream social is the most popular (14 mentions), followed by our Christmas party (9 mentions). Austin Museum Day was mentioned 3 times.
• 54% of the people who responded to the survey question about volunteering for the CCDC, or 15 people, indicated they would like to volunteer. The majority of those respondents did not indicate what they would like to do as a volunteer; however, the survey did not offer any specific options for volunteering.
· There were 10 responses to the question “Is there anything else you would like to share with the CCDC board of directors?” Six out of the 10 respondents, or 60%, commented positively about the CCDC and its board. Of the other four respondents, 2 indicated they had nothing more to add; 2 others raised concerns about the bylaws, voting rights of those who no longer live in the neighborhood, term limits for board members, more visibility regarding CCDC finances, and CCDC boundaries.
Respondent Comments and Suggestions the CCDC is Acting On
• Identify other ways to make more people aware of CCDC board meetings besides posting agendas at Fresh Plus. For example:
1. Email monthly meeting agendas to all CCDC members
2. List board meetings on the Events page of the CCDC’s website.
3. Post agendas at Mary Baylor Park
The CCDC board will implement all of these suggestions immediately.
• Make the following revisions to the CCDC website:
1. Make it clearer where to find agendas and minutes.
Put your cursor on the About Us tab of the CCDC’s website home page and you’ll immediately see Agendas and Minutes.
2. Add our monthly financials.
Monthly CCDC financials can now be found on the Minutes page of the website, https://www.clarksvillecdc.org/minutes.
• Do more fundraising. Ask for donations more often and be clearer about what we will use the money for.
The CCDC board will discuss how and when to do more fundraising.
The Survey Shows We Need to Review Our Bylaws
Some respondents referred to things in the bylaws that are outdated and that the CCDC board has already agreed we need to address. For example, we no longer have a tenant selection committee. Three respondents suggested significant changes to the bylaws -- board member term limits, for example, and questioned whether CCDC members who no longer live in the neighborhood should have the same voting rights as members who do.
These suggested changes will be considered by the board during its upcoming revision process, which the board discussed at its August meeting. Among other things, the board set up a committee, whose members will review the bylaws and suggest changes for the full board to consider. Also, since that meeting, UT’s Entrepreneurship and Community Law Clinic has agreed to assist us with the review and revision process. We believe that the Clinic’s objective input and guidance will be very helpful.
The board also agreed that CCDC members will have the opportunity to propose bylaws changes via email and will send members an invitation to do so with a deadline for sharing their suggestions. A downloadable version of the bylaws can be found on the CCDC website.
Other Suggestions
• Add a password-protected Members-Only area to our website.
We don’t see a need for this at this time.
• Create a Members directory or a neighborhood directory.
Doing this and maintaining it would be quite an undertaking. We do not have the capability to consider this at this time.
• Allow Members to attend CCDC meetings virtually.
This would require capital expenditures that are 1) not currently budgeted and 2) would require coordination with the City due to the Haskell House being a historic property.
• Organize a CDC budget event; a how-we-select-tenants event; a how-we-maintain-our properties event.
If people want to find out about these things, they can email the CCDC or attend a board meeting and ask questions. They can also request that an item related to tenant selection, the CCDC’s budget or property maintenance or other matters be added to a CCDC agenda. The process for making such a request is spelled out on the Agendas page of the CCDC’s website, https://www.clarksvillecdc.org/agenda.
• Organize more neighborhood walking tours.
Something to consider after the Clarksville walking tour brochure is revised.
• Organize book-related events for kids.
Is there a member or members who would like to take this on?
• Create more affordable housing.
This is something we wholeheartedly support, but currently are limited due finances and property availability. We stand open, however, to pursue any opportunities that may arise.
• List the addresses of the CCDC’s affordable housing properties on its website.
The board is committed to preserving the privacy of CCDC tenants, and believes that listing their addresses on the website would be inappropriate.
6. Haskell House Advisory Group report. Felecia Miller.
Felecia reported that all members of the Haskell House Advisory Group (HH AG) have resigned in order to pursue a mission focused entirely on bringing Clarksville Descendants together to preserve Clarksville’s history. They plan to create a separate 501c3 that will work together with both the CCDC and with Sweet Home MBC. The board expressed excitement about this development and looks forward to working with this re-configured group. In response to a question, the board agreed that there will no longer be a HH AG. It was agreed that any donations given to the CCDC for use by the HH AG would belong to the new Descendants organization.
7. Discussion of plans for Austin Museum Day. Mary Reed.
Austin Museum Day is Sunday, September 22, 2024, noon-4 p.m., at the Haskell House. Docents will be available throughout the day. We will serve lemonade and homemade cookies. Family activities will include Haskell House jigsaw puzzles, and yard games. Soul Man Sam will perform at 2 p.m. (thank you, Aubrey!) Local restaurants will be approached for gift cards that can be given to visitors. Astound Broadband has provided funding for the event.
8. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.
Paula reported that the Austin mayoral candidates have been invited to the next general membership meeting. Also, that OWANA is discussing revising their bylaws, as well as ways to increase membership. No word yet on donated ACL tickets. There was no news to report from the Zoning Committee.
9. Other Business.
No other business was discussed.
10. Executive Session, if necessary.
The Board met in Executive Session to discuss a tenant-related matter.
Actions taken via Electronic Vote:
On August 4, 2024, the board authorized BJ Friedman, CCDC Treasurer, to sign an agreement to authorize our external auditor to undertake our annual audit. The cost is covered in the budget. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the August meeting.
On August 6, 2024, the board agreed to send a letter of support for an appeal of a Historic Landmark Commission (HLC) decision. The letter urges the City Council to respect neighborhood design standards and asks for granting the HLC power to enforce those standards. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the August meeting.
Minutes, July 16, 2024
Minutes from the July 16, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas
Others present: Randi Shade
1. On a motion by Chris, seconded by Thomas, the minutes from the June 18, 2024 monthly meeting were approved.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.
Brad was unable to attend the meeting but the monthly financial reports were reviewed. The profit and loss for June shows a deficit of $47,000. $35,000 of this is due to expenses related to 1817A W. 10th. Money will be moved when the work is complete to balance much of this out. Rental income is slowly climbing back up.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.
Brad Prak was unable to attend the meeting, but the following was discussed: we anticipating having have all but one unit filled by the end of September. No update was available on move-in plans for 1817A W. 10th.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that J. R. Concrete Pros, LLC, has submitted a $10,000 bid for the driveway, approach, and back landing, and preparation of all areas. (This bid is $7000 less than the second subcontractor, and $4000 less that the original subcontractor.)
The pre-pour inspection is scheduled for tomorrow. The concrete work can begin after that.
Questions were asked about landscaping plans, wondering if we should postpone some planting until the fall. BJ will ask her friends about plants. Mary has a landscaper who may be able to donate some of his time. Board members might need to pitch in, too.
4. Haskell House Advisory Group report. Felecia Miller.
Felecia reported that the HH AG has put together a budget that they will share with the board. Potential children activities for Austin Museum Day are being discussed. Additionally, they are looking toward coordinating with other Freedom Colonies, sharing information and experiences.
Mary will share information on Preservation Austin grant possibilities. .
5. Report on June 23, 2024 Clarksville Conversation: Sundays at the Haskell House event—Ailisha Macharia speaking on “One Woman’s Story About the Transformative Power of Growing Food.”
Mary reported that Ailisha gave a great talk, relating the transformational aspects of gardening based on her own life experience. She was an engaging speaker, who spoke for over an hour and answered questions. It was a small crowd, but very engaged.
Thomas mentioned that it’s worth having a discussion about having the speakers inside the Haskell House when it is so hot outside.
6. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees.
Paula reported that OWANA is supporting Zydeco Development’s request for onsite parking on W. 12th Street. OWANA is working to gain more members, both general & businesses. Donna Osborne is now the newsletter coordinator. Paula also reported on the 4th of July parade, which was a great success and a lot of fun. Meghan Yancy, Zydeco Development, designed a OWANA t-shirt and stickers, which includes an image of the Haskell House. Both committees continue to consider the proposed changes to the Lake Austin PUD (Hartland Plaza.). Two issues are contentious—the pickleball court (OWANA is insisting that it be enclosed and the project’s desire for a cocktail lounge in the complex (OWANA wants restaurant only, not a bar.) This project may go before the Planning Commission as early at August.
7. Other Business.
Mary provided an update on her possible participation on a proposed panel for the Texas Museum Conference in April 2025. After a lot of back and forth with the panel’s sponsor regarding balance on the panel, she has decided not to participate.
Mary reported on Austin Museum Day (September 22, 2024.) She has solicited a few people to help with planning. Last year we served homemade cookies and lemonade, and had Haskell House images for coloring and Haskell House jigsaw puzzles for visitors to work on. These are activities we’ll have again this year. Other possible swag is being considered. One thing agreed upon is creating handheld paper fans to sell at the event. Astound Broadband has provided funding for the event. It was agreed to approach Zydeco Development to ask if they would be interested sponsoring.
The Board discussed various efforts underway to spiff up the Haskell House prior to Austin Museum Day. Paula has purchased a utility closet for the bathroom. Aubrey was unavailable to give the status of the photo caption project. He and Thomas will work together to design, create, and install a shelf in the backroom. Paula stated that she has some long-leaf pines boards that could be used.
Kim reported that our final grant report is due to the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation on August 1. TSAHC provided $10,000 toward the renovation of 1817A W. 10th Street.
Mary reported that we were contacted by a family reunion who wanted to visit the Haskell House and take a guided walking tour, but the group was 100+ people, far too large to be accommodated. Thomas offered to reach out to them and to see if there were any options we could offer.
8. Executive Session, if necessary.
The Board did not meet in Executive Session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote: On July 8, 2024, the board voted to renew the Clarksville CDC’s $50,000 line of credit with Frost Bank. This matter was time sensitive and could not wait until the July meeting.
Minutes, June 18, 2024
Minutes from the June 18, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ, Friedman, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer
Others in attendance: Felecia Miller
1. Approval of minutes from the May 21, 2024 monthly meeting.
On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the May 21, 2024 monthly meeting were approved as amended. The approved minutes are posted on the website.
2. Nomination of Felecia Miller to complete term of resigning Board member Gregory Tran.
On a motion by Mary, seconded Paula, Felecia’s appointment was unanimously approved. She will serve until the term ends in April 2025.
3. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management (PPM.)
Brad was unable to attend the meeting. Mary shared his report.
Brad Prak, Prak Property Management, reported that as of the end of May, we had $120,854 in our money market account ($40,000 of this total is allocated for 1611 W. 10th), and $5965 in our checking account. The majority of the month’s expenses were due to repairs, primarily for work at 1817A W. 10th, some of which will reimbursed for project-specific grant and donation funds. Mary commented that Haskell House donations are being lumped into the general donation account. She is working with Linda Parsons, PPM, to get them separated.
Minutes from the June 3, 2024 Finance and Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.
4. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.
Brad was unable to attend the meeting, but Mary reported on the work that is continuing at 1817A W. 10th.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street.
Kim reported that work is planned tomorrow at 1611 W. 10th. An AYW crew will remove the previously installed retaining wall. The stones will be temporarily placed in the front yard. With the wall removed, we will be out of the easement/ROW line. As soon as the stones are removed, Ashley will contact Sam West in ROW so that he can inspect to ensure the ROW is clear, then we can activate the long-awaited DS (Driveway/Sidewalk) permit, which will clear us to pour the driveway. Sam was in the meeting we had last month and is well-versed on our saga. Once the driveway is poured, the retaining wall will be reinstalled.
In other good news, AYW has secured a new concrete subcontractor, J.R. Concrete Pros LLC. They are still in cost negotiations, but this is a promising development.
5. Haskell House Advisory Group report, including details of the Advisory Group’s participation in the 2024 Austin Juneteenth parade.
Felecia shared the following about the Juneteenth parade. “It was a great success. Many people were fascinated by Clarksville and curious about the image on the banner. This gave us an opportunity to share some oral history about the Haskell House and Clarksville. Some attendees expressed interest in learning more and contributing.” Felecia thanked sponsors: CV1871 (t-shirts); Astound Broadband (banner); and All-American Flags & Banners (banner pole.) Participants included HH AG members Felecia Miller, Otisha Rhambo, Hannah Michael, and Stephanie Lang, along with Cecelia Glasco, HH AG member Znobea Williams’s mother.
Regarding the CV1871 t-shirts, the company is owned by a former Clarksville resident. She has offered to provide us with Clarksville shirts that we could sell with a slight markup at the Haskell House. Felecia will discuss this idea with the HH AG. Other possible HH merchandise ideas discussed: Haskell House puzzles, HH hand-held fans.
Mary reported that Austin Parks and Recreation requested photos of the parade, which were then shared with National Park Service’s Reconstruction Era National Historic Network, who shared who shared the image with the banner prominently displayed on their Instagram feed.
6. Update on initiatives made by the CCDC in response to comments by members at the Annual Meeting.
Mary reported the following changes to the website:
· Bylaws are now easier to find; and added a Bylaw button
· Redid the “About Us” page to make information more easily accessible
· Added info on how to add an item to the agenda
· Moved the board members from the bottom of the About Us Page to the side
She also reported that the survey of the members has been distributed and so far the response has been good (17% response rate which is a bit higher than industry projected return rates.) Deadline for responses is coming up soon.
Thomas asked when we would share the updates with the members. Mary responded that an email will go out next week.
7. Reminder of upcoming Clarksville Conversation: Sundays at the Haskell House event—Ailisha Macharia speaking on “One Woman’s Story About the Transformative Power of Growing Food,” Sunday, June 23, 2-3 p.m.
Flyers advertising the event have been distributed door-to-door, and were shared with the Clarksville and Deep Eddy community gardeners, OWANA, and the appropriate CCDC email lists.
8. Report on the Ice Cream Social.
Another fun event. The homemade ice cream was delicious and the competition strong. Winner this year was Ellis Tran (10-years old), with Beckett Raftus (15-years old) as runner up. Ellis was inspired to enter after seeing Beckett win last year.
9. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees.
Paula reported that the Steering Committee agreed to give $1500 to the Mathews Fund for Excellence Scholarship fund (money goes to high school graduates who attended Mathews); plans are being made for the 4th of July parade; and discussed proposed changes to the City’s ETOD plan concerning building height on the westside of North Lamar, historical preservation requirements, and flooding-related issues.
Kim reported that the Zoning Committee heard a presentation regarding 1013 and 1015 West Lynn & 1004 and 1006 Eason. A site plan has been approved by the City for this project, but owners are revisiting their plans in light of Zydeco’s abutting development at the corner of West Lynn and W. 12th. Designs (land planners) to begin the process anew. The ZC is hoping the revised plans will be more compatible with the neighborhood than what was originally proposed. And negotiations continue regarding Lake Austin Commons PUD (Hartland Plaza). Owners want to add an additional story onto the existing garage for office/gym/cocktail lounge space. They will come back with specific square footage amendment for the cocktail lounge. In a related development, Pickleball Ranch, a Harland Plaza tenant, is no longer operating at that location.
10. Other Business.
It was discussed if event flyers could be shared with the condo residents across the street from the Haskell House (a resident requested). Mary will talk Mark, her contact at the condos, about sharing information.
Felecia shared that the Texas Empowerment School has invited the HH AG to share information about Clarksville.
Mary shared that she’s been invited to participate on a panel discussing black history at an upcoming Museum-related gathering. The board concurred with Mary’s thoughts that it would be best if she agrees to participate only if HH AG member Stephanie Lang can join her as a co-presenter.
Aesthetic improvements to the interior of the Haskell House were discussed. These include installing a shelf in the back space, placing a utility closet in the bathroom, the production of new photo captions throughout, and an additional photo wall in the back space. Thomas and Aubrey will come up with a design for the shelf; Aubrey will work with Felecia on the picture captions. The goal is to have all of this done prior to Austin Museum Day in September.
11. Executive Session, if necessary.
The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On June 3, 2024, the board approved the renewal of our insurance policies. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the June meeting.
Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on June 13th, 2024
Attendees: BJ Friedman, Mary Reed. Absent: Chris Thomas
1. BJ and Mary did not discuss the May financials because they had reviewed them earlier in the week and there were no problems.
2. The retaining wall at 1611 has been dismantled as per the city’s request because it was not built properly. Now a permit is supposed to be issued so the driveway can be poured.
AWY fired concrete company #2 for lack of communication and follow through and hired a new company that is charging less than company #2. $8,500 ($2500 for the approach and $8,500 for the driveway itself.)
Stove and refrigerator were to be delivered this past Monday.
3. The county DA’s office has instructed Malcolm to file a criminal complaint for theft report against Tony Brown, concrete company #1.
4. Work at 1817A West 11th is about 85% complete according to Brad. Most of the remaining work is exterior work. Also, fence needs to be installed.
Work at the Center is about 1/2 completed, should be done this month, well in advance of the lease start date of August 1.
Brad wants to give the board a tour of both properties once they are 100% complete.
Minutes, May 21, 2024
Minutes from the May 21, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members in attendance: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas
Others in attendance: Jennifer Keane, Karen Kennard, Felecia Miller, Brad Prak, Randi Shade
1. Approval of minutes from the April 16, 2024 Annual Meeting and the March 19 and April 16, 2024 monthly meetings.
On a motion by Thomas, seconded by Malcom, the March minutes were approved. On a motion by Chris, seconded by Paula, the April Annual Meeting minutes were approved with corrections. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Paula, the April monthly minutes were approved with corrections. The approved minutes will be posted on the website.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports.
Brad Prak, Prak Property Management, reported that as of the end of April, we had $120,681 in our money market account, and $42,921 in our checking account. April income was $14,879, expenses were $27,751. Expenses included approximately $7,000 in make-ready expenses plus increased maintenance staff-related costs, and a large expense due to an HVAC repair. Also included are $38,000 in expenses related to contracted work at 1817A W. 10th. These will be covered by dedicated funds when the project is complete.
Our recent audit provided depreciation figures. The April P&L includes a cumulative amount from the beginning of the fiscal year through April. Going forward, the costs will be monthly.
Kim mentioned that we have received $2,149.08 from I Live Here I Give Here. These are matches from the Amplify Austin Day campaign--$1900 from Reissa Foundation + small amounts from Shield-Ayers Foundation & Lee & Roger Kintzel matches which were divided between all housing-related non-profits. This will show up on next month’s reports.
Minutes from the May 16, 2024 Finance and Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.
Brad reported that 2 vacant units will be filled by the end of this month. Residents will be moving out of one of the Charlotte units at the end of month, but renting the unit will be delayed until the house is leveled.
Work on 1817A W. 10th is about 90% complete. Cost estimates for the project are approximately $90,000.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street.
Kim shared the following report:
· Latest news: Meeting last Thursday with AYW/CCDC, COA Housing, Transportation, & ROW permitting representatives. Not all departments involved in our permit release were present, but the take-charge ROW engineer in attendance assured us that going forward he would be sure to copy everyone who touches the project on everything to ensure that everyone knows what everyone else is doing. This meeting was arranged by the City Housing Department, and was pulled together in a remarkably short time frame—about 48 hours from the time it was suggested until it took place. There are still plenty of places where we can stumble, but this was a big positive step—and one we first asked for 10 months ago.
· Possible stumbles: AYW’s concrete sub-contractor, the primary player in what needs to be done to satisfy the City, is slow to respond—to both AYW and to the City. This project is a priority for AYW—they want it complete as much as we do—so we will have to trust them to stay on the contractor.
· How did we get here? In the big scheme of things, this is a very small project, taking place in a City with a lot of projects, many of them very big. I can only speculate about the workload of City staff, but I imagine it’s unimaginable. Sadly, it took us a long time to get the attention of folks within the system who would take the time to look at the project holistically and pull the right people together and hopefully get everyone on the same page. We are on their radar now. We intend to stay there.
· Work that remains: driveway pour, redoing front steps. Minor electrical work inside when concrete work is done. Landscaping.
· Unlike our other properties, this is a construction project, and as such, has not yet been handed over to PPM for management. They, however, have generously agreed to step in and keep the property looking better until the work is completed.
4. Haskell House Advisory Group report.
Felecia Miller shared plans for HHAG participation in the Juneteenth parade. The HHAG has a t-shirt sponsor—CV 1871—who will donate shirts to the parade participants. The group plan to hand out candy, and they hope to have a banner for the parade.
Thomas stated that he is working with Astound Broadband (formerly Grande) on a contribution from them to support CCDC activities and events. He will work with Felecia to see if donated funds can cover the cost of the banner.
5. Discussion of comments and concerns shared at the Annual Meeting of the Members and steps to take moving forward.
The Board’s discussion began by noting the great news of 76 new CCDC members, bringing our current total membership to 185. Increasing membership is something the board has been wanting to see for a long time, recognizing that the more people who are involved the more dynamic the organization can be. Discussion also acknowledged that there are members, new and old, who are unhappy with current operations and want to see changes.
In order to harness new energy and get a handle on what the membership wants, a survey was discussed as a way to find out who our members are, what they know about us, and what they want to see the CCDC doing. A survey would also gather information on what skills members have and are willing to share that would benefit the CCDC. Mary stated that she has past professional experience in conducting surveys. She offered to take the lead in drafting survey questions to share with the Board for input. The process envisioned will be collaborative, with all Board members being involved. Some Board members expressed concern that taking a survey will slow down the energy we have now. Mary responded that the survey could be conducted in a month and it can help us move forward in an informed manner. The Board decided to move ahead with the survey.
Members in attendance shared the following issues, concerns, questions:
· The CCDC website could be improved; e.g., making member-related information easier to find. Response: Our goal is to have an accessible website. Attendees were asked to share specific examples, and we will address changes with our web-designer.
· The Board has been unresponsive to member requests, specifically as to how a member can add a discussion item to monthly meeting agendas. Response: The Board will develop a policy for members to request agenda items.
· Why do former and current Clarksville residents have equal representation in terms of membership? Response: This is the first time this issue has come up. It can be discussed during the bylaw revision process.
· Why is the membership list not shared? Response: Members have not been asked if they want their information shared. We need to give members the opportunity to opt in or out prior to sharing the list.
· Why and when did the policy of prioritizing Clarksville residents as tenants change?: Response: A previous property management company advised the Board that continuing to do so raised Fair Housing issues. We will contact Mark Rogers at Guadalupe NDC to see how they address this issue.
· What is the rationale behind the current policy of CCDC renting only to families who have children under the age of 18? Response: The rationale was that the CCDC wanted to bring families to the neighborhood, with proximity to high quality schools--Mathews, O. Henry, and Austin High--was one factor in the decision.
· Is there a way to look at the policy of renting only to tenants with children? Response: The policy can be discussed.
· Can members be involved in the bylaw revision process? Response: The board is not aware of non-profits who include non-board members in their bylaw revision process, but we will look into it.
6. Election of officers.
After a discussion of the need to spread responsibilities, including officer positions, amongst all board members, Malcolm moved and Chris seconded a motion to elect the following officers:
Mary Reed, president
Chris Thomas, vice-president
BJ Friedman, treasurer
Kim O’Brien, secretary
The motion was approved.
7. Reminder of upcoming Ice Cream Social (Sunday, June 2, 1-3 p.m., Haskell House) and discussion of plans.
Mary Reed reminded Board members when flyers would be ready for pickup and distribution to our assigned streets. Everyone should arrive at noon on the day of the event to set up.
8. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees.
No reports were given.
9. Other Business.
No other business was discussed.
10. Executive Session, if necessary.
The board met in executive session to discuss a legal matter.
Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on May 16, 2024
Attendees: BJ Friedman, Mary Reed. Absent: Chris Thomas
1. BJ and Mary did not review the April financials because they had already done so after Brad and Linda shared the financials with them on April 8th.
2. Mary reported that we are still dealing with holdups in getting the go-ahead from the City to pour the driveway at 1611 West 10.th However, earlier on same day as the F & O Committee meeting, Kim, Yolanda Quinton (AHFC), Ashley Rodriguez, (American Youth Works) as well as City of Austin Development and Right of Way staff met virtually to discuss what must happen before the construction project can move forward to completion.
3. The attorney representing Tony Brown in the 1611-related lawsuit that the CCDC filed has resigned from the case because his client has been unresponsive.
4. Mary reported that the foundation work at 1817A West 10th has been completed and Prak will begin a make ready there and work at 1817A continues inside and out. Meanwhile, the CCDC has a new tenant for the Center, who will sign a 7-year lease.
Monthly Meeting Minutes, April 16, 2024
Minutes from the April 16, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
The meeting began upon adjournment of the Annual Meeting. It was held at the Haskell House.
Board members present: BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Malcolm Greenstein, Kim O’Brien, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others Present: Znobea Williams, Felecia Miller, Vanessa Lively, Eric Fox, Kristin Fox, Karen Kennard, Randi Shade, Kurt Schmidt, Brad Prak
1. Approval of minutes from the March 19, 2024 monthly meeting.
Due to illness on the part of CCCD Secretary Kim O’Brien, the minutes from March 19, 2024 were not available. They will be shared with the board at a later time.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports.
Brad Prak, Prak Property Management, reported that new tenants will be moving into a unit on May 1, a boost to our income bottom line. One of the units which required substantial foundation work may be rentable by the end of May.
The minutes from the Finance and Operations Committee appear at the end of these minutes.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.
Brad Prak reported that foundation repairs at 1817 W. 10th might be finished in 3 weeks. The hoped-for May 1 completion of the renovations is not likely because vendor schedules have slowed down.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street.
Kim O’Brien reported that the beat goes on. American YouthWorks was on site today, reforming the steps that the previous concrete contractor poured at the wrong height. The City will need to inspect this work before the Driveway permit can be issued.
4. Haskell House reports:
a. Haskell House Advisory Group status report.
Felecia Miller, HHAG member shared that since formation 3 months ago, they have come up with many ideas. These are detailed in the 3/30/24 HHAG meeting minutes that appear at the end of these minutes. Summer plans include participation in the area Juneteenth parade and undertaking oral histories of former Clarksville residents.
CCDC member Vanessa Lively reported that she has dug up a collection of nails belonging to former long-time Clarksville resident and “travelling blacksmith” Seymour Washington. She can share them with the HHAG.
b. Haskell House Heritage Garden status report.
Kurt Schmidt, community gardener, Haskell House docent, and driving force behind the funding for the Heritage Garden, reported on progress. The $30,000 project, located to the east side of the Haskell House, will be funded 90% from an ACL/Parks Foundation grant, and 10% from community garden fees. He, working with Ashante Reese, UT, and Hannah Michael, UT graduate student and HHAG member, are researching what Freedmen would have eaten, and planting appropriate plants. Signage will be installed giving context--Ashante and Hannah will draft the text. He will soon put plants in the ground. This go around, they will be the correct plants, but not necessarily the right varieties—that will come later. They are looking toward being able to serve a meal with the produce the garden produces.
Malcolm suggested contacting Toni Tipton-Martin as a resource. He will get Kurt her contact information.
c. Recent improvements made by PARD.
In Mary’s absence, Kim O’Brien shared that we are thrilled to have the new mini-split air conditioning unit supplied by the Parks Department. They plan to install new interior lighting soon.
5. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien
Paula reported that the OWANA Steering Committee considered 2 Mathews-related requests: from the Mathews Fund for Excellence, requesting financial assistance for scholarship money for former Mathews students now graduating from high school, and support on settling an easement issue on Mathews’ property.
Kim reported that the Zoning Commission had crafted language for 2 amendments to the ETOD (equitable transit-oriented development) overlay being considered by the City Council. These amendments will address historic compatibility triggers and address properties in high-risk flooding areas--which includes both sides of N. Lamar between Enfield and W 9th Street.
6. Other Business.
No Other Business was discussed.
7. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes From Finance & Operations Committee Meeting, April 11, 2024
1. BJ reviewed the March financials.
2. Mary reported that we are still dealing with holdups in getting the go-ahead from the City to pour the driveway at 1611 West 10.th Kim is trying to find out if the current holdup is because of the city or the fault of the concrete contractor.
3. Mary has found a landscaper who is willing to help us with landscaping at 1611 on a pro bono basis. No luck so far finding a company willing to give the CCDC the plants it wants or to sell them to us for a deep discount.
4. Regarding the lawsuit related to 1611, the defendant’s attorney is on a two-month paternity leave. Meanwhile Malcolm has filed a Motion to Compel.
5. Mary reported that the foundation work at 1817A West 10th and at 1009B Charlotte has been completed. Interior repairs at 1817A have begun—drywall repairs, new cabinets and maybe replacing the tub with a shower. Also, the exterior fence will be removed and exterior repairs will happen. Prak is waiting for the foundation contractor to haul off the dirt in front of 1009B. Once that happens, skirting will be installed and interior repairs will begin, including window repairs, flooring and wall repairs and maybe the replacement of some flooring in a couple places.
Haskell House Advisory Group Meeting Minutes
Saturday March 30th, 2024
Attendees: Felecia Miller, Lanelle Jarmon, Stephanie Lang, Hannah Michael, Tara Dudley, Znobea Williams, Otisha Rhambo-Montgomery
1: Check-ins and introducing new member(s)
2: Discuss 2024 Project Ideas
➔ Partnering with local orgs/associations like Sweet Home, Carver Center Museum or Geneology Center
➔ Summer Oral History Collection
➔ Clarksville Community Archive (H)
➔ Homecoming event
◆ Build relationships, share info and raise awareness around ccdc/hh events/etc
◆ September
3: Summer 2024
➔ Sign up for spot in Juneteenth Parade
◆ Saturday, June 15th from 10am-2pm
◆ More info here: https://www.juneteenthcentraltexas.com/parade
➔ Potential celebration for 10 year anniversary of historic marker in July - soft launch
4: Haskell House Heritage Garden updates
➔ Kurt Schmidt is working with the city on the garden and provided the following updates:
◆ The underground water lines and the hose bibs have been installed and inspected by the City of Austin.
◆ The bamboo has been eradicated (although that may be an ongoing job for a few years yet).
◆ We recovered enough space to add three new garden plots in the Clarksville Community Garden. We were able to move the storage shed several feet closer to the property and opened up the path and view to the gardens.
◆ Moreover, the heritage garden has been laid out and we are already working on the second turning (of four) of the soil to ready the bed for the appropriate heritage plants.
◆ Aiming for something wooden and under/at 2 feet height to frame heritage garden
5: Housekeeping
➔ Discussing team assignments and roles
➔ Planning next meeting and setting goals
Next Agenda:
-working with schools, building connections with local schools - Matthews and O.Henry,
-Funmi K-12 lesson plan - school field trips - connecting with UT students - elementary level plan
-summer camp field trips
-confirm merch idea(s) by juneteenth: sticker, keychain, magnets, lanyard, bottle, guidebook
-seo/marketing for haskell house