Minutes, October 15, 2024
Minutes from the October 15, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas
Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Mark Carpenter, Amanda Cox, Kyle Cox, Jennifer Keane, Lou Rigler, Randi Shade
1. Adoption of Standards of Civility. Chris Thomas.
The following was presented:
CCDC Standards of Civility
- Please be respectful of all meeting participants, do not interrupt when someone else is speaking, and do not speak over that person.
- If you are a visitor at a meeting, raise your hand if you want to speak so the meeting chair can call on you.
- If the meeting topic gets too hostile, the meeting chair reserves the right to end the discussion and move on to the next item on the agenda.
- If the general tone of the meeting gets too hostile, the meeting chair reserves the right to adjourn the meeting.
These standards will apply to all meeting attendees, including the board. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Aubrey, the Standards of Civility were unanimously adopted.
2. Approval of minutes from the September 17, 2024 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.
On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by BJ, the minutes from September 17, 2024 were approved.
3. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.
Brad reported that our monthly income in September included $19,083 in rental income. Additional contributions (including sale of ACL passes, donated by C3) brought monthly income to $22,353. Expenses this month were $29,507, for a negative balance of $7154.
September financial reports are posted on the CCDC website.
Minutes from the October 10, 2024 Finance and Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of the minutes.
4. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.
Brad reported that PPM has begun renewing leases and the process is going smoothly. Marivaldo is still with PPM but in a new position. Mary Vega is now the CCDC’s property manager. Unit inspections were completed last week. A few items were found, but nothing serious. Overall, the tenants are doing a good job of taking care of their units.
Regarding vacancies, Brad reported the following: 1007 A & B Charlotte---foundation work is wrapping up. Once it is complete, we will remodel the interiors and paint the exterior, tackling rotten wood as we go; 1009 A Charlotte--make ready wrapping up; 1720 B W 11th--make ready wrapping up; 1708 B W 10th--just vacated. We are proposing for the resident in the A unit to transfer to this as their unit needs repairs we can make easier if it is vacant; 1611--once its ready, we have a transfer option for our long-time residents in 1821 A Waterston. Their unit needs a lot of work that again, is easier done if the unit is empty and they are a good fit for the rent restriction we have on 1611.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that there has been no progress on the required excavation (EX) permit. There may be hope on the horizon, however, because COA Housing officials are getting pressure from HUD because the project has dragged on so long—if not completed soon, they may have to return money to HUD, which raises the stakes considerably. As such, they have brokered an on-site meeting with Sam West, COA Transportation & Public Works, to discuss next steps. We have supplied times that we can meet and are waiting to hear back from Mr. West.
5. Discussion of creating a CCDC Membership Directory.
A membership directory was suggested in the member survey. To the boards’ response that it was something they did not have time to take on, a member volunteered to take on the project. Prior to moving forward, though, it was agreed that we needed to determine if it was something the membership was actually interested in having. Additionally, questions were raised as to what the membership directory would be used for and what information it would contain. It was agreed that we would reach out to the member who volunteered their time to discuss next steps.
As a part of this discussion, member Jennifer Keane shared information from Texas non-profit statutes (specifically, Business Code, Chapter 22158) that may govern how CCDC membership information must be shared. The board will look into this further.
6. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.
Kim gave an update on ongoing negotiations concerning Hartland Plaza (Lake Austin PUD.) Agreements have been made about what will be required for future pickleball use. She also provided an update on the properties directly to the south of Zydeco Development’s West Lynn property (Nau’s/Café Medici/etc.) Zydeco is in negotiations to obtain these properties from the developer who owns them now (and has approved City plans for a multi-family project that is not compatible with the neighborhood.) If Zydeco is successful, they plan a project that will integrate with the Nau’s project (with a restaurant and some additional housing.)
7. Other Business.
A question was raised about looking for foundation money to pay back the line of credit that we have begun drawing down on to pay for property improvements. The board responded that the current budget anticipates making monthly payments to pay down the line of credit.
BJ reported that Austin Museum Day was a huge success, with a steady stream of visitors all day (estimated at 300 people.) Soul Man Sam was a bit hit. Docents were available all day. Many attendees commented that they had no idea that the Haskell House existed. Thanks to Aubrey for underwriting Soul Man Sam, and Astound Broadband for funding.
Kim mentioned that she’d shared Blue Santa information with Brad to share with tenants who have children 14 and under.
A reminder was given about the event currently taking place at the Haskell House on Friday and Saturday nights, Speak No More: Witch, presented by theater company La Fenice. Someone who’d attended the production said it challenged your imagination. The show continues through November.
8. Executive Session, if necessary.
The board did not meet in executive session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On September 30, 2024, the board voted to adopt the FY 2024-25 operating budget. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the October meeting. The approved budget can be found here.
Minutes From F&O Committee Meeting on October 10, 2024
Attending: BJ Friedman, Chris Thomas and Mary Reed.
1. Mary reported that according to Kim, we are still waiting for an excavation permit from the city for 1611 West 10th Street. The retaining wall cannot be built without that permit and other actions cannot be taken as well. American Youth Works (AYW) has tried to figure out the reason for the delay and on 10/10, the city had reached out to schedule a meeting on site that will include someone with the City, Kim O’Brien, David Clauss, and Ashley Rodriguez with AYW.
2. Mary reported that Prak had completed inspections of all CCDC properties and everything was in good condition. Currently, Prak is looking for tenants for some Charlotte Street units, the top unit at 1708 West 10th and 1720B West 11th Street.
Brad Prak is considering offering the older couple living at Waterston the opportunity to move into one of the Charlotte Street units or maybe 1611. Moving them would allow Prak to perform some much-needed repairs at the couple’s home inside and out.