Minutes, February 18, 2025
Minutes from the February 18, 2025 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Amanda Cox, Billy Edwards, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Chris Thomas
1. Introduction of new board members: Billy Edwards and Amanda Cox. Chris Thomas.
The Board welcomed new board members Billy Edwards and Amanda Cox. Billy will serve the remainder of a term that ends in April 2025. Amanda will serve until April 2026. Their bios can be found on the CCDC website.
2. Approval of minutes from the January 21, 2025 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.
On a motion by BJ, seconded by Paula, the minutes were approved. They are posted on the website
3. Presentation of monthly financial reports. BJ Friedman.
BJ reported there was nothing outstanding in terms of expenses or revenue in the past month, but that major repairs have depleted our reserve funds and we need to be careful with spending.
In response to a question about our cash reserve, she explained that our previous property manager worked hard to save money, which built up our reserves, but we learned that major repairs were deferred. The past two years, we’ve been catching up on needed maintenance and repairs, some of which (e.g., foundation repairs, exterior painting) are high-ticket items. As a result, this year and next will be lean, but we’ll be better off in the long run. We have drawn down on our letter of credit, but are making monthly payments on it.
Felecia is going to do research on our utility issue because utility costs are high. (Note: the CCDC duplexes each have a single water meter.)
The February 2025 financial reports are posted on the website.
4. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Chris Thomas.
We currently have 5 vacancies. The reasons vary. Some people were lined up, but backed out. Mary Vega, PPM, is working to get these units rented. A concern was expressed that prospective tenants are not being responded to. This information will be shared with Brad.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Sod is down, along with pea gravel and river rock. We are waiting on the electrical subcontractor to call for the final electrical inspection. When that passes, we can begin calling for other remaining inspections.
The Board discussed planning an open house for when the project is complete.
5. Nomination of CCDC Vice-President. (office currently vacant) Chris Thomas.
Chris nominated Felecia Miller to serve as Vice-President, and the board enthusiastically endorsed the nomination. Felicia asked for time to think it over.
6. Report on bylaw revision process. BJ Friedman.
The Bylaws committee has been meeting with the students from the UT law clinic and their supervising professor, who will be completing a draft bylaw revision. This should be available soon for review.
The law clinic was asked if they could provide us with a definitive answer regarding giving preference to descendants. They said that the research required is beyond what they can do at this time. Felecia is working on a definition of descendants that she will share with the board.
7. Discussion of Amplify Austin Day (March 5-6, 2025.) Kim O’Brien.
Kim shared details of the upcoming Amplify Austin Day fundraising campaign. We will be contacting all members, along with the people on our mailing lists, requesting funds for housing repairs. Our goal is to raise $10,000.
8. Discussion of April board of director elections and membership. Kim O’Brien.
Four board positions are up for election in April. CCDC members are eligible to serve on the board. Deadline for inclusion on the ballot is March 24, 2025. Anyone interested must send an email to ClarksvilleCDC@gmail.com. A flyer with this information will be delivered to every home within the CCDC boundaries. It will also be shared via email with all members, and posted on the website.
Only CCDC members may vote in the election. In order to vote in the April 2025 election, membership applications must be received by March 31, 2025. Election materials will be distributed to members on or about April 4, with ballots due by noon, April 15. Voting will online. All votes will be confidential, and tallied electronically. Results will be announced at the Annual Meeting, which takes place April 15, 6:30 p.m.
9. Discuss Ice Cream Social—set the date and identify a volunteer to help organize.
Mary Reed has volunteered to organize the event, but wants a board member to work with her in order to phase out her involvement. Aubrey volunteered. The Board settled on August 17 as the date, the weekend before school starts.
10. Announcement of upcoming Clarksville Conversation: Sundays at the Haskell House. (Sunday, March 9, 2-3 p.m.) Dr. Tara Dudley will discuss the Cumberland-style architecture that personified early Clarksville and the black craftsmen and builders who worked in Clarksville and environs.
11. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.
Paula reported that the 04 Center has backed out of leasing St. Luke, due to electrical & parking issues. It is not known at this time what will happen with the property. OWANA is automating their membership and looking to raise dues.
12. Other Business.
No Other Business was discussed.
13. Executive Session, if necessary.
The Board did not meet in Executive Session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On January 30, 2025, the board authorized Kim O’Brien to sign an affidavit on behalf of the Board. The affidavit, which verifies the date of the CCDC loan agreement with the Austin Housing Finance Corporation for the construction of 1611 W. 10th, was required by HUD because the original agreement was not dated. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the February 2025 meeting.