Minutes, November 19, 2024
Minutes from the November 19, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board Members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Felicia Miller, Chris Thomas
Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Randi Shade
1. Approval of minutes from the October 15, 2024 monthly meeting.
The minutes were approved with a couple grammatical changes that Paula will pass on to Kim. Aubrey motioned and Paula seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports by Brad Prak of Prak Property Management. Brad went over the balances in the accounts. (Financials are attached to the minutes.) Brad reported that there was about $20,091 in rental income. This is the first month there is rent coming in from a city housing voucher for a tenant. There was about $26,903.81 in expenses for a loss of $6500 for the month. There was another anonymous donation of $50,000 that will go towards foundation work, painting and replacement of rotten wood for houses on Charlotte. Ticket sales from the theater performance at Haskell brought in $5900. CCDC will be able to begin paying off the principal on our line of credit (we have been paying the interest since the draw down.)
The Finance & Operations Committee did not meet this month.
October financial reports are posted on the website.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. Brad Prak reported on property updates. Brad said tenants are being lined up for renewals. Prak Management will be monitoring tenants incomes to make sure tenants are not being charged more than the Board has wanted in terms of the percentage of their income. The tenant at 1011B left unexpectedly so there will be a vacancy to fill. The tenants in the Waterston unit are willing to transfer to the new 1611 house once it is ready. The foundation work is progressing at 1007 Charlotte and painting of both this property and 1009 Charlotte is next. Paula noted metal edging sticking up that could pose a problem at 1817B. Brad is aware and will have that fixed. There was some discussion about the requirements for tenancy and how tenants are sourced.
b. The report on the new construction at 1611 W. 10th Street was read by Felicia as Kim O’Brien was unable to attend the meeting.
“We have stalled. Again. The meeting with Sam West, COA Transportation & Public Works, mentioned at the October meeting, took place on October 16. We did everything he required, including filing a Waiver of Construction with the Travis County Clerk—which he did not require until October 24 and which could not be filed at the Clerk’s office until October 29. While this was going on, AYW was in the process renewing their Right of Way Liability insurance, something they hold only because of this project, which was due to expire on November 6. Sadly, the renewal came through a day too late--and our permit request expired along with the insurance coverage. With the insurance now back in place, we have applied to reactivate the permit. And are waiting.
COA Housing had planned to tell HUD (who, like the CCDC, is concerned over how long this project has taken to complete) that we would be done by the end of November. This will not be the case. Even if the EX permit were to be issued tomorrow, AYW’s Green Building workers are off all of next week due to Thanksgiving. And of course, we have no control over when the EX permit will be issued. I’ve informed Housing of the status and as of yet, there’s been no pushback. I am certain they are not pleased.”
Aubrey brought up the possible need for an expediter for the needed permit. Thomas had consulted one earlier and they said there was no help they could give beyond what was already being done.
4. Discussion of board vacancies. Chris reported that both Mary Reed and Thomas Scheifer have resigned from the board. Chris is now the acting President. The board will discuss the process for nominating and voting on new board members, but the by-laws will dictate this process. Chris will let members know how they can express an interest in these two positions so they can be considered by the board.
5. Paula talked about the plans so far for the OWANA/CCDC Caroling event on December 15, 4:30. Mary has ordered food from Galaxy. Kim has fliers being printed and the flier has been sent to Donna Osborne to put in the upcoming OWL. Thomas will man the snow machines again and BJ has purchased the snowballs. BJ will also sell earrings at the event as they were a successful fund raiser last year. T-shirts were discussed as something that need to be redesigned with Haskell House the main feature for future events. Paula will purchase wreaths, wine and water. She will also schedule a time to decorate. Aubrey was going to check when the lights will be installed. We have carolling leaders committed for the event-Rick and Phyllis Patrick and Erika Tatum. There are still other details to manage but we are almost there.
6. Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees.
Kim’s report was read by Felicia.
“I sent the Board a copy of an email from OWANA to the membership detailing the status of 1209 W. 5th Street, a proposed project, 120’ feet in height on a relatively postage stamp-sized lot. The City Council has approved the project on 1st reading (on a 7-3 vote, District 9 Councilmember Qadri not only voting in favor, but verbally supporting.) The project is scheduled for 2nd and 3rd reading this Thursday. The project is bad on many levels—it’s speculative, with no architectural drawings developed; it contains no neighborhood benefits; it includes the possibility of a hotel meeting 50% of the required 70% affordable housing requirement. If approved it will set a dangerous precedent, both for our neighborhood and the city. OWANA is mobilizing opposition for Thursday’s meeting.”
Paula reported there were various bylaw issues discussed at the last OWANA steering committee. But, one of the main things discussed during the meeting was how to help St. Luke Methodist Church find another tenant. The congregation voted to close the church. They are looking for a new, preferably nonprofit group, that can take on the buildings and provide a service to the community. A couple of the steering committee members are actively looking for a new tenant to help out both the church and the neighborhood. A possible historic designation may be considered for the sanctuary but it is unsure it qualifies. If a tenant is not found, the property could be sold by the larger Methodist council.
7. No other business was discussed.
8. No Executive Session was needed.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On October 24, the board voted to authorize Kim O’Brien to sign a Waiver for Construction required by the City of Austin Transportation Department related to 1611 W. 10th Street. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the November meeting.