Minutes, November 16, 2021
Minutes from the November 16, 2021 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
(Meeting held via Zoom)
Board members in attendance: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran.
Others in attendance: Brad Prak & Rene Gonzalez, Prak Property Management (PPM)
1. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the October 19, 2021 monthly board meeting were approved with corrections.
2. BJ presented the monthly financial reports. As of 10/31/21, our checking account balance was $7073, money market account (which includes funds earmarked for 1611 W. 10th Street construction and OWANA-funded repair/reconstruction projects) was $147,568. PPM is continuing the fine-tuning of the reporting system. Currently, 1611 W. 10th Street construction expenses are included with rental property expenses. These will be separated in the future.
The Finance and Operations Committee did not meet this month.
3. Monthly property reports.
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management: Brad reported that interior inspections of all properties—slowed due to COVID protocols—have been completed. The board can expect a report of needed work soon (a list of exterior work needed has been prepared.)
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street: Kim reported that the foundation pour has been delayed as the contractor and the engineer go back and forth in preparation for the COA pre-pour inspection. The pour should take place in the next few weeks. Neighbor complaints have been received about the contractors working too early on weekdays and Sundays. AYW has talked to the contractor to insure this does not happen again. The first draw request, in the amount of $10,786, has been submitted to the City/AHFC. The reimbursement includes eligible expenses incurred since the project began.
c. Grant-funded repairs at the Haskell House: Mary reported that work required will far exceed the COA Heritage Grant CCDC received for this work. COA Parks & Recreation has been both helpful and generous. Work will proceed. CCDC will be reimbursed for work done beyond the budget of the grant.
d. Renovation projects funded by OWANA funds: Aubrey reported that we will need to pull a permit for the stair reconstruction at 1011 Charlotte. This will increase the cost of the project.
4. The board discussed the need to review our current rent structure. A work session will be scheduled to continue the discussion.
5. The board decided not meet in December.
6. Mary reported on the recent CCDC Volunteer Day. “In a couple of hours we made a huge difference. Thanks to Prak Property Management for providing help, trucks, and chainsaws. And a shout out to Chris Thomas for leaf blowing the Charlotte cul-de-sac when we were done. Also, thanks to CCDC spouses Stan and Tom for their work. We will be scheduling another Work Day in the future.”
7. Discussed under Other Business:
A group of Clarksville Community Gardeners have begun the beautification project at the Neighborhood Center. A call went out for people who had plants they could donate. Also, some plants—which would have been trampled during renovations—were transplanted from the Haskell House. Mary will reach out to the volunteers to see how people who want to donate money to the project can do that.
Mary reported that OWANA has decided to not share proceeds from the donated ACL passes. We will reach out to ACL and ask that going forward that they give passes to us rather than having them pass through OWANA.
Paula reported on progress occurring in Mary Baylor Clarksville Park. A dead tree has been cut down, and an Austin Energy truck was on site earlier, hopefully repairing the Splash Pad
8. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote
On November 8, 2021, the board voted to approve a contract with Phoenix 1 for repairs to the Haskell House. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the November meeting.
On November 9, 2021, the board voted to approve a contract with Chem-Free for regular pest control services at the Haskell House, as required by our City of Austin use agreement. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the November meeting.