Minutes, June 21, 2016
Minutes from June 21, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board Members present: Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel (CCDC property manager), Barbara Harlow, Dick Clark, Mark Vornberg, Ed Stevens, Kevin Brown
1. On a motion by Greg, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the May 17, 2016 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose presented the financial report. Expenses for tree work and the total renovations of the bathrooms at 1011 A & B Charlotte led us to a monthly net loss of $269, but overall, our balances are healthy: $17,656 in checking, $42,397 in savings.
3. Rose presented the Property management report. Two tenants are behind: one due to a on-the job injury, will catch up when Workers Comp payment arrives; another is one month behind, but only on a portion of the total, Section 8 portion is current.
4. Rose reported that we finally have received the building permit for 1817B W. 10th Street. (Alley Flat project, 850 sf.) On a motion by Chris, seconded by Teri, the board approved a contract with AVision, General Contractors, LLC, in the amount of $158,212 for construction of the house. ($108,000 of the total is coming from COA affordable housing bond money, the remainder from HomeBase.) AVision worked on some of the Guadalupe NDC homes that were moved from Rainey Street. ACDDC is going to monitor the project, along with Rose. AVision (Art Ramirez) is ready to start work immediately. The estimated finish date is December.
5. Dick Clark and Mark Vornberg of Dick Clark & Associates presented plans for a new house to be located at 1102 Charlotte, a current vacant lot. The home will belong to Sherry Matthews, who wants something that “settles into the neighborhood,” is private and low maintenance. The home will be 2000-2200 s.q. No variances will be required. Sherry wants to work with the CCDC to devise a plan the fits the neighborhood. The plan proposed a rusted steel wall facing the street. After much discussion, the board decided to not send a letter to the Historic Landmark Commission stating our support for the project, but will talk with Sherry about other materials for this wall.
6. Owner Ed Stevens and builder Kevin Brown presented plans for 1826 W. 10th (a NRD contributing property.) Ed stated that his original plan was to save the house but now does not believe that is possible. The plans presented are for the replacement of the current house with a side-by-side duplex, each unit approximately 1600 s.f. Garages will face 10th Street and there will be two driveways. The units are planned for the front of the property, leaving yard space at the back. Ed said he wants to create a family-friendly property. We suggested that he talk to Aubrey and /or Tom Blackwell to pursue alternative ideas to optimize the property while saving the current house. Ed was not interested in pursuing those suggestions, saying he’s been around construction most of his life and does not believe the house can safely be saved. No agreement was reached. Their request for a demolition permit will be on the June 27 Historic Landmark Commission agenda. CCDC will argue against demolition.
7. On a motion by Paula, seconded by Greg, RuthAnn Brown, Teri Taylor, and Chris Crane were reappointed to the Tenant Selection Committee. They will serve 2-year terms, ending May 2018.
8. There was no discussion regarding the installation of a Little Free Library in front to the Pauline Brown Clarksville Neighborhood Center.
9. Mary reported that the Clarksville History Scavenger Hunt, held on May 21, was a huge success. Well attended, and many of those in attendance were new to CCDC events. Preservation Austin did a terrific job and everyone in attendance had a good job. Thanks to Zocolo/Galaxy who provided ample food and coffee.
10. The Neighborhood Potluck at Mary Baylor Park will be held on Sunday, July 24, at 4 p.m. so as to not conflict with Sweet Home MBC’s 145th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, July 17.
11. The CCDC Ice Cream Social will be held on Sunday, August 28 (the week after school resumes.) The event time is to be decided.
12. There was no Other Business
13. The Board did not meet in Executive Session.