Minutes, July 19, 2016
Minutes from July 17, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board Members present: Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Aubrey Carter, Gregory Tran, Malcolm Greenstein, Chris Thomas
Others present: Rose Gabriel (CCDC property manager)
Note: at 6:00 pm, prior to the CCDC Monthly Meeting, the CCDC Finance committee met. Discussed at the meeting were:
-Form 990 for the fiscal year of 2014
-Debit Card transactions for the month of June 2016
-Annual Conflict of Interest forms for Board Members
Meeting Minutes:
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Teri, the minutes were approved with a correction to entry 5. regarding the proposed development at 1102 Charlotte. The correction, pointed out by Mary, was as follows: the sentence: "After much discussion, the board decided to send a letter...stating our support..." should read : "After much discussion, the board decided not to send a letter...stating our support...".
2. Rose presented the financial report and discussed upcoming renovations.
3. Rose presented the property management report:
- 1729 A West 11th and 1821 Waterston are slated for renovation.
- 1007 B Charlotte lease expires in 2017.
- late August will see Tenant Selection Committee meeting.
4. The Alley Flat project is to be staked out next week (week of July 24).
5. Discussion of meeting with owner/developer of 1826 W. 10th. Members discussed the history of the house and the owners apparent softening of his approach to the project. Members also discussed the project at 1102 Charlotte which was not well received by a subcommittee of the Historic Landmark commission.
6. Members discussed placing a "Little Free Library" in front of the Pauline Brown Neighborhood Center. There was a general consensus on the idea and Aubrey volunteered to produce a replica of the Haskell House.
7. Members discussed the Potluck dinner coming on Sunday, July 24.
8. Members discussed the Ice Cream Social, coming up on August 28. There was a discussion of the amount of store-bought ice cream we need to have.
9. RuthAnn Brown resigned from the board. After she left, however, the board discussed whether or not she may have a change of heart. Mary will call RuthAnn and talk with her.