Minutes, September 20, 2016
Minutes from September 20, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Meeting called to order by Mary Reed, CCDC Board President at 6:30pm.
Board Members present: Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Aubrey Carter, Gregory Tran, Malcolm Greenstein, Chris Thomas, Paula Hern, and BJ Friedman
Others present: Rose Gabriel (CCDC property manager) and Jerry Greenmeyer, neighbor,
Note: at 5:30 pm, prior to the CCDC Monthly Meeting, the CCDC Tenant Selection committee met and chose a new family to move in to 1720 A West 11th on October 1, 2016.
Meeting Minutes:
1. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Malcolm, the July 2016 minutes were approved. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Chris, the August 2016 minutes were approved
2. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aubrey, BJ Friedman was approved to complete RuthAnn Brown’s term on the CCDC Board.
3. Rose presented the financial report. August 2016 net gain of $1,617, checking balance $12,269, savings balance $79,003.
4. Rose presented the property management report. All but one tenant is current on rent and they owe $577.50.; 1729 A West 11th has a new tenant who will move in on October 1, 2016
5. The Alley Flat foundation has been formed and plumbing line cut and set. Rebar to be installed next week
6. Mary and Rose met with Councilmember Kathy Tovo’s office to discuss their proposal that the CCDC be allowed to build an affordable single family home on a vacant lot owned by the City and that the City relocate the health center located at 1000 Toyath and allow the CCDC to build additional affordable homes there. Kathy was very receptive to the ideas and agreed to do some research on our behalf.
7. Mary announced that 1826 West 10th is for sale again. Because of personal issues, the new owner cannot renovate the house and build an additional structure on the lot. She told the board that she contacted the listing agent for the property to let her know that the house contributes to the Clarksville NRHD and that the CCDC would oppose any efforts to demolish it or make any changes to the house that would make it noncontributing. She said that the realtor was very sympathetic. Malcolm recommended that Mary follow up her phone conversation by putting everything in writing. That way, the realtor is obligated to share Mary’s information with all potential buyers. Mary said that she would do so.
8. Other business. Texas Appleseed is planning a series on gentrification and affordable housing and met with Mary because it wants part of the series to focus on Clarksville. As of now, the Clarksville event is scheduled for sometime in January 2017 at the Haskell House is January of 2017. The event will include a walking tour of the neighborhood and participants will receive a copy of the CCDC’s walking tour brochure.
Aubrey has agreed to spearhead the Haunted House again this year. The date and time are Saturday, October 29th from 6pm to 8pm.
RuthAnn Brown presented her ideas for a Clarksville Reunion to benefit Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church. She asked if she could use the Pauline Brown Neighborhood Center parking lot for some of the music. On a motion from Chris Thomas, seconded by Paula, the CCDC board approved RuthAnn’s request. The event will take place on Saturday afternoon, November 5, 2016.
9. 7:20PM – The Board adjourned and went into Executive Session.
On August 17, 2016, the board voted to send a letter to the Historic Landmark Commission stating our support of the current plans for the construction of a new house at 1102 Charlotte. This item was on the board’s August 16, 2016 agenda, but could not be voted on due to a lack of quorum. The item was time-sensitive and could not wait until the next scheduled meeting.