Minutes, September 19, 2017
Minutes from the September 19, 2017 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel, RuthAnn Brown
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the August 15, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose reported that the August balance sheet shows a lost of $6000. This is due to a number of factors—annual pest control expenditure, insurance down payment (largest of the periodic payments), and expenses associated with unit make-readys—and warned that we may be showing losses for the next few months, as well, due to a number of make-ready projects. She also noted that the depreciation expense has decreased due to our additional unit (Theresa.) Despite the loss, our balances remain healthy: $6111 in checking, $119,654 in savings.
The Finance Committee will meet on September 21, 11:30 a.m. at Zocolo.
3. Two units are currently vacant and in the process of being made ready for new tenants. We are working with the City of Austin on one of the properties. Applicants for both units are being reviewed. All but one tenant is current on rent; the tenant who is behind is on a payment plan. Going forward, we will give all tenants living in a unit constructed prior to 1974 a copy of the City’s lead guidelines.
4. Community Conversation #2--“Preserving Neighborhood Character, Adding Diversity, Managing Density”—will be held October 3, 2017, 7-9 p.m., at St. Luke UMC, 1306 West Lynn. John Hennebergerwill be the speaker. John will speak for approximately 30 minutes, then the floor will be opened to questions from the audience. Mary is posting information on Nextdoor, on the CCDC website, and via her email list. Yard signs will available soon to be placed in Clarksville and OWANA. Mary has contacted Kathy Tovo, but her schedule is very full.
5. The board decided not to reschedule the Ice Cream Social that was canceled due to Hurricane Harvey.)
6. RuthAnn Brown shared details of her upcoming upcoming Block Party, tentatively titled the Clarksville Funk Fest. It will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017, noon to 5 p.m. The board agreed to RuthAnn’s request to use the yard and back porch of the Neighborhood Center, as well as the Center’s electricity. She’s got 4 bands lined up and is hoping to book 2 more. They’ll play outside the Neighborhood Center. The Fest t-shirt will feature a tree—the roots will bear the names of Clarksville’s original residents and the branches and leaves the names of those who’ve come after but have made difference in the neighborhood.
7. The annual Haunted House will be held at the Haskell House on October 31,
6-8 pm. Mary will reach out to CCDC tenants Brooke & Kate who have helped in the past and are very creative.
8. In Other Business:
Mary reported that the owner of the vacant lot on corner of Waterston and Woodlawn has submitted plans for the property. A very large stucco house that will face Woodlawn is proposed, along with a 2-car garage that also faces Woodlawn. An ADU is also proposed. It, too, is planned to be stucco. It will face Waterson, along with its 1-car garage. This property has a restrictive covenant on it. CCDC, along with David Gottfried (nearby landowner) and OWANA are parties to the restrictive covenant and all must sign off on plans for the property. Mary will work to obtain concessions on the property, to include, but not be limited to, more appropriate building materials and relocation of the proposed garages along with the possibility of making them carports rather than garages.
Mary has learned from the City that the house at 10th & Toyath has been sold and the new owners are going through the permitting process.
Mary expressed concern about 1100 Toyath. This is a historically-contributing house, and the windows and door have been removed, as well as the back half of the house. She contacted the architect about so much of the house being taken off and was told that they “we’re living up to the spirit of the agreement” reached with Steve Sadowsky. Mary and Aubrey will meet tomorrow with the architect and the builders for a site visit.
Mary reported that the new version of CodeNext is out. Some changes from the last draft include: transect zones are eliminated; nomenclature has been extended to the entire city, not just central city. Things that have not changed: CodeNext is still not following Imagine Austin, nor reflecting Neighborhood Plans. The adoption timeline remains the same.
Councilmember Tovo’s amendment regarding the Historic Landmark Commission (see Electronic Vote item below) is scheduled to be voted on at the September 28, 2017 City Council meeting. Mary urges board members to attend the meeting and/or send a letter in support of the amendment.
There will be a memorial event for Dick Clark on Sunday, October 1 at the Paramount. Doors open at 5:30, event starts at 6. Board members are urged to attend.
9. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On August 21, 2017, the board voted to support Councilmember Kathie Tovo’s proposed resolution to require only a simple majority of the Historic Landmark Commission to approve historic zoning over the wishes of the property owner. (Note: HLC approval is only the first step in the zoning change process.) This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the September meeting.