Minutes, March 21, 2017
Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel, Amanda Van Over
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the February 21, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose reported that we showed a loss in February of $6672 due to expenses related to the Alley Flat house. We have expended all of the City’s money. We ended the month with a checking balance of $2855 and a savings balance of $156,646. Large balance in savings is due to HomeBase loan money. We have not had to use any of that money because we have been able to cover all Alley Flat expenses with income on hand. Regarding the additional $50,000 that is available to us from HomeBase, we do not need it at this time.
We are in the process of our annual audit.
3. Rose presented the property management report. A couple of tenants are behind, and she is working with them. One tenant has had a change in income status, which is creating trouble. His/her rent will likely be adjusted downward when the tenant requalifies.
1009A Charlotte will remain vacant for the near future. Rose is looking for proof that the house was built prior to 1978 in order to qualify for the City’s lead abatement program. The tax rolls show the house having been built in 1984, but this is when the house was donated to the CCDC and moved to its present location. She will contact the previous owner in hopes of obtaining documentation.
4. The new CCDC house (Alley Flat) located at 1817B W. 10th Street is practically complete. There is a problem with the driveway that must be corrected, and the landscaping remains to be done. An Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19 (Note: this is the correct date, but not the date discussed at the meeting.)
5. Clarksville resident Amanda Van Over spoke to the board about Mary Baylor Clarksville Park. Amanda is a relatively new resident of Clarksville and is interested in seeing increased utilization of the park. Some of the things she mentioned were vintage games, and kickball and pickle ball leagues. Amanda and the board discussed the CCDC’s limited role in the city-owned park, as well as potential ideas for moving forward. One suggestion was that Amanda have a table at FunFest to gauge interest. We agreed to discuss this matter further as she gathers information.
6. Kim reminded the board that of the upcoming membership drive and April board elections. Membership applications will be posted on the website, the bulletin boards at the Neighborhood Center and Fresh Plus, Sweet Home, and all residences in Clarksville. The election will take place on Tuesday, April 18, 5:30-6:30, at the Neighborhood Center. Four places are up for election. Current board members, Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Teri Thomas, and Gregory Tran are running for another term. Others interested in running have until March 30 to notify Kim of their interest. Only members can serve on the board and/or vote in the election. Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting that begins at 6:30 pm on April 18.
7. Under Other Business, Chris discussed making changes to the way that the Tenant Selection Committee interviews prospective tenants. Rose has received feedback from persons interviewed that the current process is awkward. Members of the Tenant Selection Committee agree. Rose reported that the Guadalupe NDC board does not interview their prospective tenants, instead their director interviews and, based on objective criteria, makes his recommendation to the board. After discussion, the board directed Rose to develop a questionnaire to be used for all interviews and report back to the board.
8. The Board did not meet in Executive Session