Minutes, August 15, 2023
Minutes from the August 15, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
The meeting was held at the Haskell House.
Board Members present: Aubrey Carter, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas
Others present: Felecia Miller
1. Approval of minutes from the July 18, 2023 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.
On a motion by Thomas, seconded by Aubrey, the July 18, 2023 minutes were approved.
2. Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.
Chris reported that Brad was stuck in traffic on his way from Dallas. Brad will share his report via email.
3. Monthly property reports:
a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.
Brad’s report will be shared via email.
b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that AYW has yet to obtain the required ROW permit, but continues to work through the system. AYW was working last week, doing some painting and installing gutters. The former concrete contractor has been served in CCDC’s claim to recover money for work not completed.
4. Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding. Mary Reed.
Chris reported that Mary is sick. He shared her report that all properties are being evaluated in order to get an estimate on total projected costs. This estimate is needed before we can move forward in seeking funding. More info re. this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)
5. Discussion of budget development process for next fiscal year. Brad Prak, Mary Reed.
Information re. this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)
6. Acceptance of Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation grant toward repairs at 1807A W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.
Kim reported that CCDC was awarded $10,000 to go toward repairs at 1807A W. 10th Street. The money must be spent within 1 year and occupants of the property must meet TSAHC income requirements for the time period of the grant.
7. Discussion of plans for Austin Museum Day at the Haskell House, September 17, 2023. Mary Reed.
Information regarding this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)
Felecia asked how information on events like these are shared. Kim explained that we maintain an email list of members, supporters, and community members, but plan to move toward using the email platform provided by our web provider. We share event information via emails, door-to-door notices to neighbors, and via social media.
8. Other Business.
Under Other Business, Paula shared the following news from the OWANA Steering Committee:
Music in the Park will take place in the fall, coinciding with the It’s My Park Day.
The Y board sent representatives to share information that the Y is looking to redevelop their Town Lake property. At this point, no decisions have been made, no plans drawn up. They are contacting groups to gain input about what the community wants. They will appear at a future OWANA General Membership Meeting agenda to discuss this further.
It was decided to add Paula’s OWANA Steering Committee Report as a regular agenda
It was also decided to remove Board members’ personal emails from the website. Kim explained that the “Contact Us” feature on the website is linked to the CCDC’s gmail account (ClarksvilleCDC@gmail.com) which is checked daily.
More info re. this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)
9. Executive Session, if necessary.
The Board did not meet in Executive Session.
Mary Reed
8:28 AM (8 minutes ago)
Sorry I was not at the meeting. My allergies got really bad in the afternoon and I had to go to bed. Anyway, today's another day, all is well, and here is what I would have shared with you yesterday:
Agenda Item #4. Efforts to obtain needed funding. I am working with Rene and John Henneberger to coordinate the remaining property inspections (10 units). Paul Balmuth, the contractor who is organizing various trade people to do the inspections, provided John and I with the results of the inspections in the cul de sac together with cost estimates. I've shared that info with Brad and am waiting for his response. He told me he won't be able to respond until next week. After that, I assume he will update his master repair list with the new info.
Meanwhile Kim and I have finished the pieces for the presentation package Aubrey will share with the potential underwriters he has offered to contact. The missing piece right now is the total dollar amount of the repairs. And, I am drafting a short history of the CCDC and its housing program with a pitch for $ at the end. This is something John asked for and will be part of what we share with the City when we ask it for a grant.
Agenda Item #5. Brad is pulling together numbers for our new FY budget. I have asked that new line items be added to the doc; Linda has added them, but there will be a few more. For planning purposes, we need to be able to track better what we spend on CCDC and HH marketing and on other HH-related expenses. As our Treasurer, BJ will lead the budget development process.
Do any of you have any thoughts about that process? Do any of you have things that you would like to see in the new budget?
Item #7. Austin Museum Day, 9/17 from 11-4. How do you want to handle the gift card raffle? We have been promised at least 6 cards from local restaurants.
Kim: The flier for Austin Museum Day needs to be ready by 9/8.
Set up for Austin Museum Day should begin at 9:45. Tents, chairs and fans need to be set up; tables need to be set up for the food, swag and CCDC info; picnic tables need to be put in place; refreshments need to be placed on trays; we need to be available to help the musicians set up if needed, etc.
We need everyone to participate in the Day. We need you to help with the food, make sure the musicians have water, greet visitors, answer questions, sell stuff, clean up, etc. This is our big event of the year.
Aubrey: Will you get ice for our coolers and replenish the ice throughout the day if needed?
Item #8. Other business. There will be no Clarksville Conversation this quarter. However, I have scheduled Ashante Reese, a professor at UT, to speak on 12/10 about the foodways of freedom colony residents.
The theater performances/fundraisers that had been planned to take place every weekend at the HH in October have been cancelled because the theater group is still waiting for money from the COA. The arts group funding process has been very protracted this year. The director of the theater group hopes that the performances can happen sometime next year.
And finally, here are the questions I would have asked Brad last night:
1. Is Rene getting a second bid for 1817A? I believe I suggested he ask Paul for a bid.
2. Why is a cleanup at 1817A necessary before the interior repairs can begin? I understand why it would be necessary before the exterior work starts.
Please respond to my questions, and do you have any for me?